Thursday 11 October 2012

pResenTati0n DaY

i have to present the proposal of the project....
hehehehe..... :-)

but thank Allah....
it going smooth.....
the lecturer also okey....
doesn't ask many questions....

madam ziany ask me about photovoltaic....
it can be applied at where...
so i answer her that it can applied...
at renewable energy industry and grid line system....
she also ask how many big my project....
it just about A4 paper....
it can carry about 240V....
basis on the what the maintenance told me....
she seems satisfied with my answer.....

for sir Saiful Yusri...
he ask a little about electronic....
thank Allah has Syima beside me....
she help me a lot....
he also ask me to change the active cooing elements with water
i answer him i will consider about that...
if using have to be cool to get the high efficiency...
but using can cooling the TE with more better.....

Tuesday 9 October 2012


Base on the objective, this research study will purpose methods to promote the development of solar photovoltaic and thermoelectric monitoring system with an active cooling element and it can be applied to the Power Plant industries and grid line system especially in renewable energy field. If this project successful, the research outcomes will provide some original contributions in developing PV-TE in the renewable energy field and these findings will suggest useful recommendations in establishing the area of improvement in the developing performance of electrical properties.
This project is a method to estimate the performance of electrical properties by representing a set of block diagram. By using the active cooling element, the performance of electrical properties will be increased because the thermoelectric will be function when there are different temperature top and bottom of the thermoelectric. The bigger differences, the high output will be get. The active cooling element is to cool the bottom of the thermoelectric so there will be huge different temperature and high output.
This project also to perform a cost benefit analysis study that determines the break-even point when comparing the annual total outage cost in various industries or sectors against the annual project cost.       

Sunday 7 October 2012

Bl0ck diaGrAm eXpLainati0n

The figure show the overall overview which is consist  of the solar panel as the input to rectifier circuit to strengthen the receiving electric.
a.    Sun
The sun will produces solar radiation (sunlight) and heat. The solar radiation will be absorb by photovoltaic.
b.    Photovoltaic
The photovoltaic is used to absorb the solar radiation and convert the solar radiation into electricity. The output from photovoltaic is in DC current.
c.    Thermoelectric
The thermoelectric will remove the waste heat from photovoltaic and some from the waste heat will be used to convert into electricity because the thermoelectric convert thermal into electric. The output from thermoelectric is in DC current.
d.    2 Supply Controller
A circuit that will accept 2 supply that is from photovoltaic and thermoelectric and produce only one output to go to DAQ card.
e.    Rectifier Circuit
This circuit act as a diode that not allow the current to turn back to thermoelectric because in night, the thermoelectric will be entered position that is from A-B will became B-A.
f.     DAQ Card
The data acquisition system is being used as interfacing medium to output which is main computer to display and monitoring the current and voltage  of solar panel performance.
g.    LabView
By using LabView, the electrical properties will be measured and monitor. The performance of power, current and voltage can be seen in graph.


LitEratuRe reVieW

Previous Work/Current Work

Improved Hybrid Solar Collector Has Higher Efficiency, Longer Lifespan
ScienceDaily (July 17, 2011) — For his graduation project, TU Delft student of Sustainable Energy Technology Stefan Roest developed a new type of hybrid solar collector with a higher efficiency and a longer lifespan than the current hybrid systems. Hybrid solar collectors combine photovoltaic solar cells that convert sunlight into electricity with a solar heater that provides warm water. Roest built a prototype and also built an actual solar simulator that he used to test the efficiency of his prototype. There turned out to be considerable commercial interest in this solar simulator. This motivated Roest and a partner to start the TU Delft spin-off company Eternal Sun, so they could put the solar simulator on the market. Eternal Sun recently came out on top at the European finals of the BE.Project, a competition for student-entrepreneurs. A hybrid solar collector is a combination of a photovoltaic solar panel and a thermal solar collector. The residual heat from the PV solar panel is used to heat water. The water flows through a system of pipes on a copper sheet. A great deal of heat is needed to heat the water in the pipes. That is why the solar collector has been fitted with a transparent cover that helps to retain the heat. Unfortunately, the material used in the PV solar cell degrades quickly under temperatures of around 120 degrees. As a result, its efficiency is reduced by around 20 per cent and it has a lifespan of between five and ten years. For his graduation research as part of a Master's degree in Sustainable Energy Technology, Stefan Roest developed a new type of hybrid solar collector with increased electrical efficiency and a longer lifespan. For a start, Roest's solar collector does not require a transparent cover. The water flows through a large number of small aluminium channels directly under the solar panel instead of through copper tubing and a copper sheet. Consequently, less heat is required to heat the water sufficiently for household use. Roest also chose not to use a crystalline silicon PV solar panel, opting for a thin film solar panel instead. It is easier to draw heat from this type of solar cell. Getting rid of the cover meant that the heat of the solar panel could be limited to around 80 degrees. An additional benefit of thin film solar panels is that these perform relatively well at high temperatures. At a temperature of 80 degrees, an efficiency loss of around 10 per cent occurs, instead of the 20 per cent in the case of crystalline silicon solar panels. Roest's hybrid solar collector has an estimated lifespan of 15 to 20 years. Roest developed the new solar collector under the supervision of the professor of Photovoltaic Materials and Devices, Miro Zeman, who comments: "This innovative design could play an important role in the development of affordable and efficient hybrid systems for household use."

LitEratUre rEviEw

*     Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel (24 March 1820 – 11 May 1891), known as Edmond Becquerel, was a French physicist who studied the solar spectrum, magnetism, electricity, and optics. He is known for his work in luminescence and phosphorescence. He is credited with the discovery of the photovoltaic effect, the operating principle of the solar cell, in 1839. He was the son of Antoine César Becquereland the father of Henri Becquerel.
*      Charles Fritts was the American inventor credited with creating the first working solar cell in 1883.Fritts coated the semiconductor material selenium with an extremely thin layer of gold. The resulting cells had a conversion electrical efficiency of only about 1% owing to the properties of selenium, which in combination with the material's high cost prevented the use of such cells for energy supply. Selenium cells found other applications however, for example as light sensors for exposure timing in photo cameras, where they were common well into the 1960s. Solar cells later became practical for power uses after Russell Ohl's 1941 development of silicon p/n junction cells that reached efficiencies above 5% by the 1950s/1960s.

*      Thomas Johann Seebeck; (9 April 1770 – 10 December 1831) was a physicist who in 1821 discovered the thermoelectric effect. Seebeck was born in Reval (today TallinnEstonia) to a wealthy Baltic German merchant family. He received a medical degree in 1802 from the University of Göttingen, but preferred to study physics. In 1821 he discovered the thermoelectric effect, where a junction of dissimilar metals produces an electric current when exposed to a temperature gradient. This is now called the Peltier–Seebeck effect and is the basis of thermocouples and thermopiles.

*      Jean Charles Athanase Peltier  (French; February 22, 1785, in Ham – October 27, 1845, in Paris) was a Frenchphysicist. He discovered the calorific effect of electric current passing through the junction of two different metals. This is now called the Peltier effect or Peltier–Seebeck effect. The Peltier effect, where current is forced through a junction of two different metals, forms the basis of the small 12/24 volt heater/coolers sold for vehicle use. By switching the direction of current, either heating or cooling may be achieved. It also forms the basis of the rather expensive, but very stable, junction heated soldering irons, and is used for spot cooling of certain integrated circuits. Junctions always come in pairs, as the two different metals must be joined at two points. Thus heat will be moved from one junction to the other. To make a usable heat pump, multiple junctions are created between two plates. One side will get hot and the other side cold. An effective heat dissipation device must be attached to the hot side to maintain a cooling effect on the cold side. This is usually a heatsink and fan assembly.