Sunday 31 March 2013

TeStiNg PV m0duLe


  • To estimate the IV curve characteristics of PV module
  • To estimate the power curve characteristics of PV module

  1. Firstly, I have to construct the circuit as given in the experiment sheet
  2. The solar have to face the fake solar perpendicularly
  3. Then, get the readings of voltage and current by using varying the variable resistor (10k ohm)
  4. Next, the readings is recorded in Table 4.3 
  5. Lastly, plot the graf



From the graph, it shows the IV curve of photovoltaic. This experiment being conduct under ambient temperature, 31oC. This reading being measured by using multimeter. For conduct this experiment, fake solar had been used to replace the sun to get a continuously reading. The result is influence by the variable resistor since the setting of the variable resistor is changes. When doing this experiment, I have to careful varying the variable resistor since it easy to damage if the input is high.

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